Software engineer, well experienced with C# .NET and Node.js, working with financial services, insurance services, delivery services, logistics services, QCommerce, e-commerce, and integrations for web and desktop solutions.

Currently working in OUTsurance Ireland Ireland flag, which is an insurance company in South Africa South Africa flag and Australia Australia flag. Based in Dublin, Ireland Ireland flag as a senior software engineer, working with C# (.NET 6/7), Docker, Azure DevOps, Cosmos DB, Terraform, Azure Service Bus, RabbitMQ, and other tools, building the billing and financial services for the Ireland project.

Earlier worked in Talabat UAE flag (part of Delivery Hero Germany flag), which is a QCommerce delivery company in MENA, based in Dubai, UAE UAE flag, as a backend engineer, working with C# (.NET Core/5/6/7), Docker, AWS (SQS, SNS, Lambda, S3, SSM, EC2), Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Terraform, ArgoCD, CircleCI and other tools on QCommerce tribe (formerly Grocery tribe) in Shopping Experience (ShopX) squad (formerly Finding and Shopping Team - FAST). Using TDD, DDD & SOLID.

Previously worked at BS2 bank Brazil flag, for an year and a half. During this period, I participated on two teams (PIX and B2B/enterprises) developing the PIX (Brazilian Instant Payments system), also developing APIs and Open Banking integrations, and contact with B2B clients, regulatory agencies, other banks and technical teams from partners to provide the best solution for both sides! Using C# .NET Core, Microsoft SQL Server, RabbitMQ, supported by DDD architecture, SOLID, DRY & KISS principles.

I am excited to contribute my strengths and proficiency in innovation to your team efforts. As an extroverted and personable communicator with a proven track record in technical writing, my focus on building strong professional relationships has been a valuable asset throughout my career.

In the past, I worked with e-commerce for about eight years. Significant time using VTEX PaaS (Platform as a Service).

Work permit (no sponsorship required):

  • Portugal flag Portuguese passport - European Union flag European Union
  • Brazil flag Brazilian passport - Latin America

Experience (in years)
14+ C# .NET10+ Node.JS (JS/TS)18+ PHP16+ MS SQL Server18+ MySQL/MariaDB
3+ CosmosDB9+ Elastic Search10+ Redis8+ RabbitMQ10+ AWS
4+ Azure6+ Oracle 11g18+ JS (Frontend)17+ jQuery9+ ReactJS
3+ Terraform5+ Rust4+ Python0+ Vite6+ Docker

Check out some projects I worked on:

  • Insurance platform (billing, collections and payments, accounting and actuary)
  • Food & Grocery delivery - Shopping Experience & Order Fulfillment
  • Western Union integration/RPA for remittance across countries
  • Digital wallet (payments, transfers, remittance, balance, statement, mobile top-up, credit card)
  • SPI PIX - Brazilian Instant Payments System (Brazil - BACEN)
  • Open Banking / Open Finance (Brazil - BACEN)
  • Banking as a Service (BaaS) / API Banking
  • Internet banking project for B2B customers
  • Gateway integrations with MaxiPago, Adyen, PayPal, Pagar.Me, Western Union, and Stripe
  • ISO 20022: ADMI, CAMT, PACS, PAIN, REDA messages
  • VTEX (e-commerce PaaS), Zendesk (CRM) - integration
  • Sankhya / SAP (ERPs) - management, analysis, integration
  • Digital video platforms - development
  • Subscription learning platform - development
  • Database management
  • Microservices culture
  • Distributed systems using RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, Azure Service Bus
  • Agile methodologies
  • Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • General web development
  • Open Source Software (OSS) projects in C# .NET, PHP, Rust, and JS/TS, available at https://github.com/guibranco

Time coded:

Total time coded since April 10, 2015

Total time coded since April 10, 2015 by language

* Coding since 2007, but stats available only from April 10, 2015.


OUTsurance Ireland Ireland flag (part of OUTsurance South Africa South Africa flag and YouI Australia Australia flag)
(insurance services | +5000 employees)
April/2023 - Now Senior Software Engineer / .NET Developer

Working in Finance & Billing project

  • Develop billing, collections, and payments schedule system
  • Develop of shadow ledger system
  • ISO 20022: PAIN (Payments Initiation) messages
  • Integration with policy administration portal
  • Integration with payment gateways and banks (credit card and direct debit payments)
  • Saga pattern using NServiceBus, Azure Service Bus, RabbitMQ, and CosmosDB
  • Building APIs and services with C# .NET 7, CosmosDB, Container App, Container App Job
  • Setup infrastructure with IaC using Terraform
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Jira and Azure DevOps
Talabat UAE flag (part of Delivery Hero Germany flag company)
(food ordering services | +16000 employees)
Jan/2022 - March/2023 (1 year and three months) Software Engineer / .NET Developer

Working in Shopping Experience squad (former FAST - Finding and Shopping Team squad)

  • Improve search, offers, and shopping experience in Grocery tribe / QCommerce tribe
  • Migration from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture
  • Building APIs and services with C# (.NET 5/6/7), Amazon SQS, SQL Server and PostgreSQL
  • Configure backend for frontend (BFF) API gateway using KrakenD, Luna, and GoLang
  • DDD (Domain Driven Design) and TDD (Test Driven Development) approaches
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum over Jira
May/2021 - Dec/2021 (8 months) Software Engineer / .NET Developer

Working in Grocery Fulfillment Squad.

  • Improve the quality of the fulfillment process by working together with all grocery tribe
  • Migration from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture
  • Item heartbeat/grocery catalog availability monitoring, providing pickers to set an item unavailable at handle & ship process
  • Item replacement allowing customers, pickers, and back-office change unavailable items on order
  • Robocalls, automated phone calls with Asterisk integration
  • Building APIs and services with C# (.NET 5), Amazon SQS, Amazon Lambda, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL
  • DDD (Domain Driven Design) approach
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Jira
Syndigo USA flag
(product information management | +600 employees)
June/2021 - Nov/2021 (6 months) Senior Software Engineer / .NET Developer

(Part-Time / Contract) Working in Customer Experience Hub (CXH) platform.

  • Integrations with Instacart and BestBuy
  • Improve the quality of code, fixing code smells and bugs
  • Building APIs and services with C# (.NET Core 3.1/.NET 5), Azure Blob Storage and SQL Server
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Jira and Azure DevOps
FCamara group Brasil flag
(financial services | +500 employees)
May/2021 - August/2021 (4 months) Senior Software Engineer / Node.JS Developer

(Part-Time / Contract) Working for FCamara in the Open Banking / Open Finance project.

  • Developing IdP (Identity Provider), DCR (Dynamic Client Registration) R
  • Developing White Label platform
  • Integration with Banco Pan
  • Building APIs with Node.JS, Cosmos Db, Azure Service Bus
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Azure DevOps
Grace Kennedy Group Jamaica flag (The Bridge Social Chile flag - consulting)
(financial services | +800 employees)
Feb/2021 - May/2021 (4 months) Senior Software Engineer / .NET Developer

(Part-time / Contract) Working for Grace Kennedy Group, the biggest financial & food group in Jamaica and the Caribbean area.

  • Remittance integration with Western Union
  • Digital wallet system
  • Building API and Services with C# (.NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5), using CosmosDB, Microsoft Azure Service Bus, Entity Framework Core, Dapper, Application Insights, RPA (Robotic Procedure Automation)
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Azure DevOps
Farfetch (Multivision - consulting) Portugal flag
(e-commerce platform | +6k employees)
Dec/2020 - May/2021 (6 months) Senior Software Engineer / .NET Developer

Allocated in Farfetch, a leading global platform in the luxury fashion online market.

  • Being part of Search & Scouts team
  • Development of improvements in the search services of the platform
  • Development solutions using Kafka, Cassandra, C# (.NET Core), Elastic Search
  • Working side-by-side with the Data Scientists team providing data and schemes for our project
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Jira
Banco BS2 (K2 Partnering - consulting) Brazil flag
(financial services | +2k employees)
March/2020 - Jan/2021 (11 months) Senior Software Engineer / .NET Developer

Working for BS2 bank, a digital bank company, in the special projects team, part of the financial services division.

  • Implementation of PIX/SPI (Brazilian Instantly payments - BACEN - Banco Central do Brasil)
  • ISO 20022: ADMI (Administration), CAMT (Cash Management), PACS (Payments Clearing and Settlement) and REDA (Reference Data) messages
  • Development of APIs and Services using C# .NET Core, Dapper, Entity Framework and DDD
  • Architecture of the CORE PIX and Indirect PIX solutions inside the BS2 Bank
  • Development of accounting system for Indirect PIX partners
  • Development of distributed systems using RabbitMQ
  • Deploy and development using Docker containers
  • Supporting internal clients in integration process
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Azure DevOps
July/2019 - March/2020 (9 months) Middle Software Engineer / .NET Developer

Working for BS2 bank, a digital bank company in the B2B tribe, on API Banking squad.

  • Development of API banking product (https://devs.bs2.com) - BaaS (Banking as a Service)
  • Development of open banking project
  • Development of APIs and Services using C# .NET Core, Dapper, Entity Framework and DDD
  • Development of distributed systems using RabbitMQ
  • Deploy and development using Docker containers
  • Supporting clients in integration process
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Team Foundation Services (TFS)
C&A Modas (Foco em Você - consulting) Brazil flag
(fashion company | +16k employees Brazil)
Dec/2018 - June/2019 (7 months) Middle Software Engineer / .NET Developer / Node.JS Developer / System Analyst / Fullstack Developer

Working for C&A Modas, a worldwide fashion company with more than 16 thousand employees working on the e-commerce team, on the refund/reversal squad.

  • Development of integration solutions using Zendesk, SAP, Oracle, and other internal systems
  • Automation of payment/refund process using Adyen gateway
  • Automation of process using C# .NET Core
  • Develop new features and APIs using Node.JS (Express & HAPI)
  • Develop of a unified library in C# .NET Core to be used internally by all teams, with commons & utils needs
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Jira
Editora Inovação / Inovação Media Brasil Brazil flag
(content producer / online retail seller | +100 employees)
Jan/2016 - Nov/2018 (3 years) Development Coordinator

Head of development in IT department. Managing developer's team, agencies, and associates.

  • Development of services and APIs using C# (.NET Framework 4.7/4.8/4.8.1 and .NET Core 2.1)
  • Implement SOLID principles
  • Implement Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ for distributed systems process
  • Implement Elastic Search and Kibana for log & metrics purposes
  • Development of an internal search engine using data from Elastic Search (clients, orders and orders items)
  • Deploy, evangelize, and speech of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD)
  • Development of integrations solutions
  • Development of RESTful APIs for mobile apps
  • Coordinate the development of a CRM system
  • DevOps culture
  • Agile culture & ceremonies using Scrum and Kanban over Trello and RunRun.It
Nov/2013 - Dec/2015 (2 years) Software Development Analyst

Development of paid subscription platform, integration with services and APIs, resource management.

  • Website development using ASP.NET C# .NET technology and MVC standard
  • Web API 2 (C# .NET) web applications for user data access (via client web application) and restricted access data management of other internal projects
  • Application development for product and order integration with the Smart Checkout / VTEX platform (SOAP web service / REST API)
  • Payment gateway integration - MaxiPago for subscription management
  • Management of triggers and procedures in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database
  • Disaster Management / Automated Backup Plans on Microsoft SQL Server and Windows Server
  • Automated backup with Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3
Nov/2012 - Oct/2013 (1 year) IT Analyst / JR Developer

Develop content platforms, video portals, internal systems, and integrations.

  • Development of video portal using C# .NET language and MVC standard
  • Development of service integration tool (SOAP web service and REST API) in C# .NET
  • Monitoring and management of SQL Server database
  • Requirements gathering
  • Monitoring and management of SQL Server
  • Planning, modeling, implementation, and process documentation - ERP (Sankhya)
Nov/2011 - Oct/2012 (1 year) Internship - IT

Main help desk and support.

  • Development of email marketing campaigns (coding, triggering, reports)
  • Formatting, maintenance and installation of micro-computers(Windows and Linux Ubuntu)
  • General software installation and configuration
  • Development of internal systems in VB.NET
  • Development of system (VB.NET) for management of digital PBX (Total IP)
  • Development of new features, tools, and bug fixes in existing projects (classic ASP and PHP)
Freelance Software Developer 2007 - Now Developer / Analyst / Consultant

Acting as an independent consultant for some companies, worked on some projects per contract/deliveries.

  • Development of portals and applications using: C# .NET, PHP, Node.JS, Bootstrap, Bulma, Materialize
  • One-off jobs, as a freelancer, using C# .NET, PHP, SQL, Node.JS and Rust
  • Consultancy
  • Integrations with VTEX (SaaS e-commerce platform) using C# .NET framework
  • Integrations with Sankhya (ERP) using C# .NET framework and Microsoft SQL Server
  • Integrations with payment gateways
  • EBAOH project - Products review platform with gamification


FATEC São Caetano do Sul - Antonio Russo Jan/2011 - Dec/2013 Technologist, College

Systems Analysis and Development

Analyses, designs, documents, specifies, tests, implements and maintains computational information systems - 2800 hours - on-site classes.
SENAC Jan/2008 - Jun/2010 Technician

Computer Technician

Assemble and maintain microcomputers, install and configure networks, and develop systems and websites - 1200 hours, on-site classes.
ETEC Professor Camargo Aranha Jan/2007 - Dec/2009

High School Diploma


SOS Computadores Jan/2005 - Dec/2005 Certificate

Computer Technician

Assemble and maintain microcomputers, install and configure networks - 260 hours, on-site classes.
CNA Jan/2004 - Dec/2009 Certificate

English course

Language course - 6 years, on-site classes.


  • Portuguese - Native Proficiency.
  • English - Full Professional Proficiency.
  • Spanish - Limited Working Proficiency.