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Bets Brasileiras

πŸ‡§πŸ‡· πŸ’° πŸ“‹ Brazilian (authorized) bets list

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Bets Brasileiras

πŸ‡§πŸ‡· 🎰 πŸ“‹ Brazilian (authorized) bets list

Bets Brasileiras is a repository that maintains a list of authorized betting companies in Brazil, as approved by the government. This project provides various formats (XML, CSV, JSON, and SQL) of the list for easy access and integration into different systems.

πŸ“ Data Schema

Each entry contains the following data:

πŸ”„ Regular Updates

The list is updated regularly via an automated tool that fetches the latest government-approved list and updates the repository.

πŸ’» Formats Available

βš™οΈ How to Use

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the data files.

  3. Choose the format you need (XML, CSV, JSON, or SQL) and integrate it with your application or system.

  4. Run the update tool to fetch the latest list:

    dotnet run updateData

    This will automatically update the files in the repository.

πŸ“ˆ Example Data

Here’s an example of what the data looks like:

JSON Format:

  "requirement_number_year": "12345/2025",
  "fiscal_name": "BetCompany XYZ",
  "document": "12.345.678/0001-90",
  "brand": "BrandOne",
  "domain": ""

CSV Format:

Requirement Number/Year, Fiscal Name, Document, Brand, Domain
12345/2025, BetCompany XYZ, 12.345.678/0001-90, BrandOne,
12345/2025, BetCompany XYZ, 12.345.678/0001-90, BrandTwo,
12345/2025, BetCompany XYZ, 12.345.678/0001-90, BrandTwo,

🀝 Contributing

If you would like to contribute to this project:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes and commit (git commit -am 'Add new bet company').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Open a Pull Request.

πŸ“… License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.