

Commands are a way to execute one or more actions based on a class (the command itself). Commands are defined as a simple class inherited from the ICommand interface.

Each command can be handled by one and only one of the command handlers.

The command handler class inherits from the ICommandHandler<TCommand, TResult> interface and must implement the TResult Handle(TCommand command).

For example, the HelloWorldCommand class, defined below, is a simple class without methods, properties, or fields and is used to trigger HelloWorldCommandHandler:

Command class:

public class HelloWorldCommand : ICommand {}

Command handler class:

public class HelloWorldCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<HelloWorldCommand, string>
    public string Handle(HelloWorldCommand command) =>
        "Hello World, this is the result of the triggered command!";

To trigger the command handler, just call the CommandsConsumer.Raise method from any part of your code:

CommandsConsumer.Raise<HelloWorldCommand, string>(new HelloWorldCommand());
//do other stuff...


Returning a class as a result

In this example, the command has some properties, and the handler will give the result:

// The command class.
public class SomeCommand(int quantity) : ICommand
    public Guid Id { get; } = Guid.NewGuid();
    public DateTime Data { get; } = DateTime.Now;
    public int Quantity { get; } = quantity;

// The result of the command.
public class ResultSomeCommand(int newQuantity)
    public int Quantity { get; } = newQuantity;

// The command handler class. Each event can be handled by one and only one handler.
public class SomeCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<SomeCommand, ResultSomeCommand>
    //constructor of the class, with dependencies...
    //dependencies are resolved by ServiceLocator.

    public ResultSomeCommand Handle(SomeCommand command)
        LogConsumer.Warning("Command 'SomeCommand' handled by 'SomeCommandHandler'. Command Id: {0}", args.Id);
        //do any other processing stuff...
        int newQuantity = RecoveryQuantity();
        return new(newQuantity);

// Program entry point
public static class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Initialize the dependencies with ServiceLocator.
        //Initialize log providers/adapters

        var command = new SomeCommand(10);
        var result = CommandsConsumer.Raise<SomeCommand, ResultSomeCommand>(command);
        Console.WriteLine($"New quantity: {quantity.Quantity}");