
:construction: :gear: A SDK framework that helps create a .NET SDK project for API wrappers/clients

Project maintained by guibranco Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


An SDK framework that helps create a C# SDK project for consuming a generic REST API

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This package allows the easy creation of an SDK (Sofware Development Kit) for consuming a REST API based on WebAPI2 conventions. The ServiceFactory class implements the IServiceFactory interface, having the methods Get, Post, Put, Delete, Head, and Upload. It uses self-convention and custom attributes to generate smart endpoints and perform requests.

Creating a new SDK

To create a new SDK, you must first acquire the API endpoints, the object (in-out) properties, and the authorization flow.

Currently, this package only supports basic authorization (via HTTP headers or JWT-like). OAuth/OAuth2 is not supported by default but can be implemented by yourself or in a future version. Let me know—via PR—if you make some progress on that!).