API Client boilerplate Rust


A repository template for API clients written in Rust

View the Project on GitHub guibranco/calendarific-sdk-rs

Package Name API

The Project API client wrapper written in Rust.

GitHub last commit (branch) Crates.io wakatime

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crates.io crates.io

Pure Rust bindings to the Project API.

Dependencies and support

package-name-rs is intended to work on all tier 1 supported Rust systems:

Minimum Compiler Version

Due to the use of certain features package-name-rs requires rustc version 1.18 or higher.

Getting Started

Add the following to your Cargo.toml

package_name_rs = "0.0.1"
serde_json = "1.0"

Then in your lib.rs or main.rs file add:

extern crate package_name;

let client = PackageNameAPIClient::new();


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