Scheduled jobs


Scheduler jobs allow scheduling the execution of some method/action using CRON expressions.

CRON expression

Currently supports the following formats:

  • *: translates to * * * * * (every minute, every day).
  • 10: translates to 10 * * * * (every 10th minute of every hour on every day).
  • 10 1 * * 0: runs every 1:10 am of every Sunday
  • */10: runs at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes of every hour on every day.
  • */20 * 10,20,30 * *: runs at 0, 20 and 40 minutes of every hour only on days 10, 20 or 30 of each month, independently of the weekday.

Check the Wikipedia's CRON page for more examples and details.


Using cron expression to schedule tasks/jobs inside a program.

public static class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var exampleObj = new SomeClass();
        exampleObj.Counter = 10;

        var jobManager = new JobManager();
        jobManager.AddJob(new JobRunner("* * * * *", () => { exampleObj.Counter++; }));

        Thread.Sleep(120 * 1000); //waits 2 minutes

        jobManager.Stop(); //stops the manager, so no more execution runs.

        if(exampleObj.Counter == 12)
            LogConsumer.Warning("Example job runned for 2 times!");


    internal class SomeClass 
        public int Counter { get; set; } 
